Turn Your Next Party into a Change the World Fundraiser!
Most people want to make a difference - they just don't know how.
Fundraisers are a great way to raise awareness of important issues around the world, and the people you invite can make a big difference without even trying very hard - and while having a great time!
Fundraisers don't have to be big or complicated to be effective. You would be amazed at the difference you can make by just holding your next party with a purpose! The possibilities are limited only by your imagination and creativity, but here are a few ideas:
Hold a "Birthday Party" for orphaned children and ask people to help support them. Instead of gifts, collect donations for school books, pens and workbooks, uniforms, shoes and other essentials. $35 can help provide a child in Uganda with food and schooling for one month.
Hold an "African or Haitian Food Party" and ask guests to help with the feeding programs in our homes, schools and community projects. $50 can help provide 100 healthy meals for children, who will be healthier, stronger and full of hope as a result.
Hold a "Water Party" and ask guests to help fund a small community water project in Africa. A water tank and rain catchment system will provide a large family with access to safe water for up to 20 years - for only $500 per system.
If you have the vision for a bigger and more formal fundraiser, we want to support you!
If you want to use the Aid for Starving Children name in your promotional materials, we do ask that you follow a few simple guidelines.
To learn more about our fundraising, you can email us at info@aidforstarvingchildren.org.
Thank you!
"Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For, indeed, that's all who ever have." Margaret Mead